In many parts of the world, people still don’t have a stable source of clean and safe water. Our Ali Asghar Water Appeal has been working for over ten years to help provide access to clean and safe water to families around the world.
Last year, our partners identified families in Uttar Pradesh in India who do not have proper access to water and sanitation. They had to travel to nearby farms, which was particularly dangerous for women and young girls and left them open to suffering from water-related illnesses.
Your donations last year helped to install washrooms and water wells for 45 families across villages in Uttar Pradesh. One of these families is Mr Ali’s* family in Bijnore. Mr Ali is 48 years old and suffers from polio, leaving him unable to secure a permanent job. He does labour work when he is able to and earns just enough to buy bread for his wide and four children. Before last year, the family had a temporary toilet, which was made of hard board and didn’t have a roof. Your donations allowed us to construct a proper toilet for the family.
This year, we are fundraising for various water and sanitation projects through our Ali Asghar Water Appeal. Find out more about our current projects and how to donate here.