WF-AID would like to extend our deepest gratitude to The Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation in USA for their generous 3 year commitment (2021,2022,2023) of providing breakfast school meals to nursery centres across Tanzania.
In the complete year of 2021 (Year 1), USD $8,424 out of their charitable donation of USD $20,883 filled the cups of 532 nursery students across these 18 centres. This has not only provided nutrition and energy to these deserving children, but has also improved their level of cognitive learning.
The ‘Fill My Cup’ Programme has successfully helped decrease the number of children missing out on an education as the provision of meals motivated many impoverished parents to enroll their children to receive food as well as an education.
This Report will provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the impact that you donation is having on these destitute nursery children.

Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania (BMMT) is a charitable and nonprofit organization involved nationally in the propagation of Shia faith of Islam and offers services in the field of education, medical treatment and social services.
Their vision and goal is to train and empower the local Mubaligheen and communities to build morally intellectually & spiritually strong families. BMMT is registered in Tanzania under the Societies Ordinance 1954 and issued with Certificate Number 5349 of 16 April 1968.
BMMT is headquartered in Dar es Salaam and has 7 regional centers located throughout Tanzania, namely, Coast region, Tanga, Zanzibar, Moshi, Arusha, Lake Zone and West Zone. A total of 75 sub-centers are run under these centers.

In 2021 The Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation’s donation provided breakfast meals to 532 students in 18 sub-centres across 4 locations in Tanzania.

The table below details the number of centres and number of students reached at each location:

Prior to the Fill My Cup Programme, many children would bring chai for lunch (black tea with no milk and sugar), or leave school at mid- day break to look for food, often not returning to school that day if not fed at home. There were constant reports from the teachers of children suffering from headaches and stomach pain, and some even crying of hunger.
Most of the children live far away from the school, and must leave home very early in order to make it to school on time.
Others simply cannot afford breakfast and come to school on an empty stomach.
Studies have shown that lack of food not only lowers a child’s concentration and cognitive learning in school, but also can impact the development of the child’s brain and stunt growth completely. Lack of food also results in malnutrition, which in turn results in a weak immune system, rendering the child more vulnerable to illnesses and water borne diseases.

Consequently by providing these children with daily breakfasts during their morning break, The Fill My Cup Programme has shown to improve the student’s learning, health and scholarly achievements.
Many poor and struggling families in Tanzania cannot afford sending their young children to school because they are burdened with responsibilities of contributing to their household at a young age. Children as young as 4 years old often miss their chance of procuring an education because they have to travel long distances to procure water, work menial jobs or support their family’s agriculture farms to contribute to their poverty-stricken households.
By offering breakfasts at these nurseries, many destitute parents who do not possess the means to feed their children every day are motivated to enroll their children into our nursery centres. In this way, we are not only feeding the children but also providing them with an education. This helps to break the child out of the cycle of poverty. They are able to perform academically to their best abilities being sufficiently fed every morning, which in turn allows them to graduate into higher education and offers them a chance at greater employment ventures in the future.

The children are fed oatmeal every morning, accompanied by some pasties or fruit. WF-AID has also ensured that the centres have local access to safe and clean drinking water, supplied by water wells constructed as part of our running Ali Asghar Water Appeal Programme.
By ensuring that these 532 children (aged 1-4 years old) are well fed and hydrated during their school days, we aim to improve their grades & subsequently their standard of living.

USD $8,424 out of the USD $20,883 donated was utilized in the year of 2021 to fill the cups of 532 nursery students across 18 nursery centres in Tanzania.
The table below provides a breakdown of the running cost as per the locations of the centres across Tanzania:

Kindly note that some centres had to temporarily close as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic, which resulted in some of the funds not being utilised in 2021.
However, all 18 centres are currently open & running. The remaining balance of USD $12,459 will be utilised in 2022.


M.K is 3 years old and is grateful to The Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation in USA for generously providing her with breakfast every morning. Her single-mother is a farmer who struggles to provide food for M.K and her siblings.
Before The Fill My Cup Programme, M.K would attend school without breakfast. She would find it difficult to concentrate in her lessons as she would be hungry. Now that she is fed every morning, she is able to focus and excel in her studies.
The teacher of these young girls and boys from the Bilal Nursery School of Kilwa reports that prior to The Fill My Cup Programme, many students would not attend their lessons due to a lack of food. A majority of the students come from impoverished families who rely on farming as a main source of income.
The Fill My Cup Programme has improved the attendance and performance of these young pupils.

USD $8,424 out of the USD $20,883 donated was utilized in the year of 2021 to fill the cups of 532 nursery students across 18 nursery centres in Tanzania. A remainder of USD $12,459 will be brought forward and utilized in 2022.

Prophet Mohammed (SAW) once said,
‘A father gives his child nothing better than a good education’.
Many impoverished fathers are unable to provide this gift to their children.
However, your generous donations are making it possible for them to follow the Prophet’s teachings and provide their children with the great gift of education.